Broome is home to one of the best known beaches in the world – Cable Beach – but that is not the only spot in Broome where you can get some sand between your toes. Whether you want a great spot to watch a west coast sunset, spot dinosaur footprints or take in the beauty of red cliffs meeting turquoise blue water there is a Broome Beach for you.
Featured Image: Camels at Sunset on Cable Beach © Tourism WA
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Is it safe to swim at Beaches in Broome?
There are a few things to be aware of before you jump in the water at Broome.
During the wet season from November to March, Irukandji and box jellyfish are common in the water around Broome. It is not recommended you swim at a beach in the wet season.
Another thing to be aware of is the huge tides in Broome. There can more than 8 metres of tidal movement around Broome, and this can cause strong currents. Take note of any signs at beaches warning of currents especially if you want to do some snorkelling.
And from time to time crocodiles are seen along Broome’s beaches. They are not common, but you should always be croc aware.
The safest beach to swimming beach Broome is the area of Cable Beach patrolled by surf life savers. They will keep an eye out for crocodiles and can provide first aid for and stings and bites.
Find the Best Beaches in Broome

Cable Beach
There’s no drumroll needed to guess what the best beach in Broome is. As recently as 2023, Cable Beach was voted the 3rd best beach in the world by Trip Advisor. For many travellers, Cable Beach is the reason they go to Broome. We spent hours here on our last visit to Broome. There are plenty of facilities around Cable Beach from toilets and picnic areas to cafes and restaurants.
The 20 plus kilometre long beach with its fine white sand provides the ultimate front row seat to a brilliant sunset and is home to the popular camel ride experience. Getting a picture of a camel silhouette against an orange dusk sky is almost a rite of passage for anyone visiting this remote part of Western Australia.
Cable Beach also happens to be the only beach in Broome patrolled by surf life savers. From April to October look for the red and yellow flags if you want to swim in an area of Cable Beach that is monitored for marine nasties like stingers and the occasional wayward crocodile. The Broome Surf Life Saving Club is located near the big carpark on cable Beach Road.

Town Beach
While Cable Beach takes most of the limelight, Town Beach has its own claim to fame. By day this lovely beach and its turquoise water overlooking Roebuck Bay is a beautiful spot to relax and cool off. By night, at the right of the month, it is filled with people trying to get a glimpse of the staircase to the moon, the shimmering reflection of the full moon over the mud flats.
Hopefully for your visit, there won’t be a bank of low cloud on the horizon like there was for our Staircase to the moon viewing! The markets here are also fun to walk through.
Staircase to the moon viewing aside, this lovely spot also has a reserve which is home to a waterpark and playground for the kids. There is plenty of shade under the trees. You can get an ice cream from Kuld Creamery, explore the Pioneer Cemetery and, at low tide, walk out on the mudflats to the Catalina Flying Boat wrecks.
There are toilets and BBQ facilities at Town Beach too. You can also go for walk or try fishing from the Town Beach Jetty. A feature here is also the memorial of the Japanese bombings of Broome in 1942.

Simpson Beach on Roebuck Bay
Something the Northwest of Western Australia is famous for is the meeting of red sea cliffs and sand with turquoise blue water. One place to see this in Broome is at Simpson Beach near the Broome Dinosaur Adventures. While the drive out along Port Road might not be through the prettiest part of Broome, the views of the red sand, turquoise water and red cliffs is stunning.
There isn’t much in the way of facilities here, but it is a great location to escape the crowds, soak in the incredible landscape and stare out over Roebuck Bay. Now part of Roebuck Bay Marine Park, keep an eye out for the snubfin dolphins that cruise around the bay. If you spot a long grey shape in the water, that is probably them.
Entrance Point
As far as beaches go, Entrance Point makes a great lookout. Simpson Beach and Reddell Beach either side of here are both better beach options. That said, Entrance Point is still a popular spot. There are beautiful dawn and dusk views from Kabbarli Lookout, some great rock formations and if you look hard, you might spot some dinosaur footprints here too.
There is plenty of parking at the end of Kabbarli Road, but it can get busy if lots of people are out fishing – there is a boat ramp here and the Broome Fishing Club is nearby.

Reddell Beach
Whether you spell it Reddell or Ridell Beach, it can go either way, this is a top spot. If you want to escape the crowds at Cable Beach and Town Beach or want a bit of coast not lined with cafes and manicured reserves, come to Riddell Beach.
This 400m long beach is between Entrance Point and Gantheaume Point. Access is via a dirt track off Kavite Road. Not only do you escape the crowds, Reddell Beach is backed by a rust red bluff, reddish sand separates them from turquoise blue water. It is such a pretty spot you won’t want to leave, keep an eye out for cute little hermit crabs too. There are no facilities here so bring along water and whatever you need to relax for an hour or two.

Gantheaume Beach
Perhaps whoever names beaches decided that at 22km long, Cable Beach was long enough. As a result, this stretch of sand that is a continuation of the far end of Cable Beach was named Gantheaume Beach. With 4wd access, this is another great sunset viewing area. There are no facilities here, but you are right next door to Gantheaume Point.
Besides the camels on Cable Beach, Gantheaume Point must be one of the most photographed things in Broome. With the possible exception of Skipjack Point in Francois Peron National Park, they are the reddest rocks we have seen. There are dinosaur footprints – follow the signs. On a big tide you can go for a dip in natural rockpool but take care, they can be tricky to access. Look for Anastasia’s Pool and the Plunge Pool.

Red Sand Beach
This out of the way spot is another example of the brilliant colour contrasts you find around Broome. Red Sand Beach is about 30 minutes from Broome along Crab Creek Road just beyond the Broome Bird Observatory. The track out is recommended for 4wd only and it can be closed if road conditions are too poor.
But, if you can get there, you will see exactly what the name suggests – a beach of ochre red sand that disappearing into the bay. Keep an eye out for dinosaur footprints here too. There are no facilities so bring all your supplies. If you have any interest in wildlife, a stop at the Broome Bird Observatory on your way in or out is a must.

James Price Point – Dampier Peninsular
If you are in the neighbourhood of Quandong Beach, you should drive on for the stunning views at James Price Point. It is about 60 minutes and 60km north of Broome. You turn off the Cape Leveque Road and onto the dirt Manari Road for the last 26-28km of the drive. Check the conditions at the Visitor Centre before you head off. The track is often only suitable for 4wd. For your effort you get some of the best views around Broome.
The red pindan cliffs are here in all their rust red glory and they are much taller than you get around Broome. You can’t take your eyes off the amazing colours. From the cliffs you can keep an eye out for passing dolphins, rays and, further out, whales. There is beach access, in fact you can free camp on the beach, where you can get in the water for a snorkel around the rock pool or just go for a walk to take in the views.
Quandong Beach
We somehow managed to miss this one and only heard about back at camp which was annoying. But, On your way to or from James Price Point, you can also include a stop at Quandong Beach. Look for the turn off from Manari Road about 20km from Willie Creek then it is about 2 – 5km to the beach or Quandong Point.
It is a beach of lovely white sand with a rocky headland that is great for snorkelling if the tide is in. As always in Broome, watch the currents that can come up when the tides are running. You don’t get the red Pindan Cliffs here, so it has a different feel to other Broome Beaches.
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